Does your business offer products that connect to the internet? This series will give you greater insight into how to do so in a way that protects consumers and infrastructure, allowing you to enhance your user experience safely and drive revenues in new areas.
Connected device security webinar : The hidden depths
Webinar 1 : What is a TEE – Watch on demand
Trusted Execution environments (TEES) are now considered the best way to limit security breaches when running sensitive code. But what exactly is a TEE? And how does it work? In our latest webinar, Richard Hayton, Chief Strategy and Innovation Officer at Trustonic, and Edward Bateman, Product Director at Trustonic will provide complete insight while discussing its role in modern embedded systems.
Webinar 2 : Connected device security ‘The hidden depths’ – Oct 6th 2022 – Watch on demand
Are you concerned about sleepwalking into an IoT security nightmare? Join our next webinar, ‘Connected device security: The hidden depths’. Hosted by Andrew Till and presented by Richard Hayton, this session gives you insight to :
– Understand the classes of threats to IoT devices and the motivations behind them
– Understand the challenges of modern software stacks and how global regulation is trying to react
– Learn some design principles to guide your IoT projects
Webinar 3 : Leveraging security regulation, panel Session – Oct 27th 2022 – Watch on demand
This panel session explores how companies can leverage security regulation to help drive growth for their businesses. Why is this important? Often, security is viewed as a trade-off between usability, safety or other benefits that drive higher value for their products and services. In this context, we explore how essential cyber security is in helping companies drive revenue growth, customer acquisition and higher loyalty for their business. This panel is hosted by Andrew Till and includes industry leaders Amy Chu, Director, Pindrop and Oliver Schulte, Founder, Xelibri Ltd.
Webinar 4 : Automotive Security: Exploring What Comes Next – Dec 8th 2022 – Watch on demand
In the last webinar of our dedicated Connected Device Security series titled: “Automotive Security: Exploring What Comes Next”, Andrew Till, General Manager of Trustonic, will be joined by an expert panel, including Jens Kahrweg, VP of Sales for Samsung and Richard Kinder, Head of Solutions Architecture, Amazon Smart Vehicles International to discuss:
– How legislation such as WP.29 and ISO 21343 will change how automotive companies have to think about security
– What the future holds for the automotive industry in terms of Cyber Security
– How players across the automotive value chain can effectively communicate what is being done to protect vehicle users
– How regulations will change the way automotive companies develop new vehicles moving forwards
Taking place on Thursday, 8th December 2022 at 2pm [GMT], the webinar is free to attend and will close with an open Q&A session.