For Financiers For Financiers For Financiers

Discover the smart way to finance mobile devices

Boost revenue growth, slash default risk and unlock competitive advantage with the world’s most trusted mobile device control platform from Trustonic.

Introducing next level mobile device control from Trustonic

Meet the only advanced smartphone control and locking solutions trusted to protect over 150 million devices around the world, and revolutionize your loans business today.

How we help

Boost revenue growth

Whether you are already providing financing solutions for mobile devices or considering broadening the range of lending products you provide to your retail partners, Trustonic offers you the chance to increase your revenue, expand your market and grow your business, without the danger of bad debt.

Discover the safe way to finance mobile devices.

  • Accept more customers
  • Encourage bigger loans
  • Uncover new revenue streams
For Financiers

Slash default risk

The primary benefit of Trustonic’s highly secure mobile device control solution is the elimination of default risk and all the associated advantages that brings with it, from improved cashflow to more competitive interest rates. The mobile device is your collateral, so let’s protect it.

Discover the secure way to :

  • Improve payment collection
  • Lower loan rates
  • Eradicate fraud
For Financiers

Unlock competitive advantage

From big banks to digital banks and from traditional financiers to alternative lenders, the opportunity to capitalize on the demand for mobile device finance is momentous. And with Trustonic’s mobile device control solution for financiers, you have a new way to outsmart and outpace your competitors.

Discover the simple way to control customer’s devices.

  • Manage multiple OEMs
  • Automate payment reminders
  • Restrict access remotely
For Financiers

Find out how to boost revenue and slash default risk

Get the Financier’s guide to unlocking competitive advantage e-book.

For Financiers

The future of mobile device control

Take advantage of the growing demand for mobile device financing today. Boost revenue growth, eliminate default risk and unlock competitive advantage with Trustonic’s cutting edge technology.

For Financiers


Market-ready and delivering value in under 30 days.

For Financiers


Trusted to control over 150 million devices worldwide.

For Financiers


Google approved locking mechanisms.  Guaranteed.

For Financiers

Mobile Device Control case study

One of our customers faced a challenge that may sound familiar to you, and we were able to help quickly.

Whilst their consumers were demanding the very latest smartphones and the finance solutions to help buy them, many were considered too risky provide credit.

So, unless they could find a way to reduce delinquency and approve more loans, this was going to be a missed opportunity to make money.

After evaluating several alternatives, they implemented the Trustonic platform and quickly saw dramatic improvements in revenue, margin and cash flow.

Our partners
For Financiers
For Financiers
For Financiers
For Financiers
For Financiers
For Financiers
For Financiers
For Financiers
For Financiers
For Financiers
For Financiers

Our partnerships cover 85% of devices globally

We have live deployments with all major Android and KaiOS OEMs including:

Ready to talk?

We would love to help you boost revenue growth, slash default risk and unlock competitive advantage.